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Batam Transport Service


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Mahardhika Transport Batam

Batam Transportation Service

Tentang Kami

Batam Transport Service

Mahardhika Transport Batam Merupakan Layanan Transportasi wisata yang telah berpengalaman dan dapat di andalkan di Kota Batam.

Kami Mulai beroperasi Sejak tahun 2014 dan terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan sampai belalunya pandemi covid 19.

Percayakan perjalanan anda selama di Batam bersama kami.

Layanan Kami

Rental Mobil Batam

Kami melayani rental mobil di batam untuk keperluan tamasya, berbelanja di pusat kota maupun kunjungan dinas yang membutuhkan Rental Mobil Murah Batam

Rental Bus Batam

Kami Melayani rental bus di batam mulai dari kegiatan wisata, kunjungan kerja, antar jemput karyawan maupun rental bus bulanan di Batam.



The following are private tourist transportation services that we offer to fulfill your travel needs while visiting Batam Island.

Batam Transport Service 5-Seater

Tourist transport 5 seater service

The following is the price of tourist transportation services for 5 seats in Batam.

Duration Transport service rates
Per Day 10-12 Hours : $ 55 SGD Rp 600.000
Per Day 8 Hours : $ 50 SGD Rp 550.000
Half Day 4 Hours : $ 35 SGD Rp 400.000
Term & Condition Book This Car

Batam Transport Service 6-Seater

Tourist transport 6 seater service

The following is the price of tourist transportation services for 6 seats in Batam.

Duration Transport service rates
Per Day 10-12 Hours $ 85 SGD Rp 900.000
Per Day 8 Hours $ 75 SGD Rp 800.000
Half Day 4 Hours $ 45 SGD Rp 500.000
Term & Condition Book This Car

Batam Transport Service 9-Seater

Tourist transport 10 seater service

The following is the price of tourist transportation services for 10 seats in Batam.

Duration Transport service rates
Per Day 10-12 Hours $ 75 SGD Rp 800.000
Per Day 8 Hours $ 65 SGD Rp 700.000
Half Day 4 Hours $ 45 SGD Rp 500.000
Term & Condition Book This Car

Batam Transport Service 14 Seater

Tourist transport 14 seater service

The following is the price of tourist transportation services for 14 seats in Batam.

Duration Transport service rates
Per Day 10-12 Hours $ 100 SGD Rp 1.100.000
Per Day 8 Hours $ 85 SGD Rp 900.000
Half Day 4 Hours $ 65 SGD Rp 700.000
Term & Condition Book This Car

Batam Transport Service 17-Seater

Tourist transport 17 seater service

The following is the price of tourist transportation services for 17 seats in Batam.

Duration Transport service rates
Per Day 10-12 Hours $ 110 SGD Rp 1.200.000
Per Day 8 Hours $ 90 SGD Rp 1.000.000
Half Day 4 Hours $ 70 SGD Rp 750.000
Term & Condition Book This Car

Batam Transport Service 19-Seater

Tourist transport 19 seater service

The following is the price of tourist transportation services for 19 seats in Batam.

Duration Transport service rates
Per Day 10-12 Hours : $ 140 SGD Rp 1.400.000
Per Day 8 Hours : $ 110 SGD Rp 1.200.000
Half Day 4 Hours : $ 85 SGD Rp 900.000
Term & Condition Book This Car

Think To Do

Think To Do

Shoping Mall

  1. Nagoya Hill Mall
  2. Grand Batam Mall
  3. Mega Mall
  4. BCS Mall
  5. DC Mall

Spa & Massage

  1. Secret Spa
  2. Indo Thai
  3. My Indothai
  4. Kamaya
  5. KaleaSpa

Batam Layer Cake

  1. Batam Layer Cake (BLC)
  2. Diana Layer Cake
  3. Alya Layer Cake
  4. Lamoist Layer Cake
  5. Golden Layer Cake

Seafood Restaurant

  1. Wey wey Seafood
  2. Golden Prawn
  3. Love Seafood
  4. Kopak Jaya
  5. 188 Citra Utama


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